Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm figuring this out!!

Don't know how I'm doing it, but I've figured out how to put a whole bunch of stuff on my blog. As Madison would say, "Yea me!!"
I've been able to link to places I go, I added the little map thingy, and a counter at the bottom. I'm rockin' this tonight! Now if I could just figure out the picture thing, I'd be dangerous!
Good-night. I'm tired after all of this computer stuff.


Karen said...

Way to go, Paula! You'll be posting pics like a pro in no time! Can't wait to see some cute kiddo photos!

Londa said...

Hey Paula! You are SOOOO brave keeping that many children... WOW, I'm exhausted just with three. :P Glad to see you posting again... can't wait to see pictures of your family!

Karen said...

Paula, I tagged you on my blog for a meme.
