Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wow!!! I actually remember how to do this!

Okay, it's been WAY too long since I've blogged. I guess I just got lazy. So, I'm back and now let's see what I can blog about. Um, oh, I know, my mattress story...

So, the other day Cooper is sleeping (yeah) and the others are playing nice and quiet in Madison's room (yeah again!!). I was so in need of some quiet "mommy time". I'm relaxing, reading, enjoying my time. After about 45 minutes I think I should just check on the kids. They're not being "uh oh, it's too quiet" quiet, it's just time to check.

I open Madison's door and am staring at 4 naked children with Madison's mattress hanging off her bed. It takes me a minute to focus. Then I notice they are wet. Hum, wierd.

Me: "Where's the water?"
Them: Silence
Me: "Where's the water guys?"
Them: Silence
Me: "Last time, where's the water guys?"
Them: (all at once) "It was Madison, it was Marshall, it was Halle, it was Emma."

'Whatever', I think as I reach over to pull her mattress back on her bed. When I do this I realize it's SOPPING WET!!!!!

They were sliding down Madison's mattress when Marshall got the idea that it would be "FASTER" and "FUNNER" if it had water on it, like a water slide. They were naked because they knew they'd get in trouble if their clothes got wet...true, but I don't understand how that concept couldn't be transfered to the

Oh, and then Madison decides that's the perfect time to hand me a bucket full of pee. They were having such fun they didn't want to leave the room to go to the bathroom. Great. Nice. Thanks. I was assured that none of it was on the floor or mattress. Again, great. Nice. Thanks.

Such is my life. Oh, and did I mention we've started homeschooling these little loves?!

1 comment:

terrible speller said...

so happy to read about your lovely little life!