Monday, February 20, 2006

Yea Me!

I have "defeeted" the Mound 'O Socks!!

Laundry Loathing

Holy crap I hate laundry. I hate washing it (although I do love the clean smell), I hate folding it, I hate putting it away, and I especially hate matching up 50 billion socks. I'm not kidding, we have 50 billion socks in our family. Come and count them.

I'm thinking of having a clothing strike where no one is allowed to wear clothes for a week, or if they do wear clothes, they must be the same exact clothes the entire week, underwear and socks included. And I am not washing any of it.

It doesn't matter how much laundry I do there is always more. I'm so sick of looking at the dirty laundry downstairs waiting to be done (I swear it mates at night and reproduces like rabbits), the laundry upstairs waiting to be folded in multiple baskets, and the clothes that actually are folded waiting to be put away 'cause the only time I can fold clothes is when Cooper, Halle, and Emma are sleeping and can't go in their rooms to put their clothes away.

And don't even get me started on the socks. We were at a Christmas thing at our church where John was the MC. He does such a good job. Anyway, he's giving some little anticdote about life and out of no where, to my utter shock and embarrassment he says, "my socks don't even match tonight"...............AHHHHHHH!!!

I hate laundry and I'm trying to avoid going upstairs and matching the mound of socks which the kids have started using like a big leaf pile. They jump in it, throw them in the air, put them back in a pile and start over. I'm seriously considering just throwing out dirty socks and buying new ones each week. It will be warm soon and we'll be back to going sockless anyway. Drastic I know, but we really do have 50 billion of the things.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Madison and Marshall spent the night with my parents last night and they were to spend the day at their house today just having fun with Grandpa and Grandma while I was at my house with the three little ones just having fun here.

I wake up after a restless night of sleep looking into the faces of the most beautiful twins in the world. And these twins are asking for chocolate milk and cartoons. We snuggle in bed for a while and then they request pancakes. Lazy me tries to convince them of the merits of the poptart, cereal bar, cereal in a bowl with no milk, even an Eggo. It's no use. I get up and make pancakes and am actually very happy to do it. They smelled sooo good!

The twins eat and then I sit to eat while Cooper is still sleeping peacefully in his bed at almost 9 in the morning. Emma is dressed and Halle and I decide it's a great pj day today. Ha. In my dreams. As I am finishing my last few bites and talking to my John, my parents beep in. Odd, I think to be calling so early. I decide I better answer and it's a good thing too, because my Dad informs me that Madison needs to go to the ER for some stitches. They're not sure exactly how it happened, but she hit her head on their wooden rocker and has a pretty bad cut.

I throw some clothes at Halle, grab Cooper and quickly change his stinky poo and throw them all in the car to race to the hospital to meet my mom and do the exchange of children...I am sooo thankful even more that my parents are here to help in a crisis like this especially with John out of town. Although, come to think of it, if they didn't live here, Madison wouldn't have been at their house, and she wouldn't have fallen and hit her head and needed stitches in the first place...but that's beside the point!!

I tear up when I see my little princess with red, watery eyes holding a washcloth to her bleeding head. I look and to my horror it's not just a simple deep cut, it's a hole like a puncture wound. My baby girl has a hole in her perfectly beautiful face. I try not to vomit at the sight and we go inside to begin the waiting game.

It's not too long of a wait (note to all, any future major illnesses or injuries requiring the ER services should definately occur on a Sunday morning!). The nurse was great...I think his name was Len. The doctor was horrible. His name was Dr. Ghandy (note to all, if you are at Eastside and Dr. Ghandy shows up, request someone else).

He does nothing to help ease Madison's fears of stitches and starts poking at her holey head. He leaves and comes back a few minutes later with a needle of numbing medicine and just starts shoving it in her head as blood gushes down her cheek freeking her and me out. Then using the force of an elephant he presses and presses and presses on her head all the while tears are rolling down her face. I am whispering to her that she is being big and brave and trying to convince myself that I am big and brave too, praying that he hurries up already.

He tells her she won't feel the stitches and starts in. With the first poke of the needle she almost jumps off the table. She tells me it does hurt and I tell him. He says, and I quote, "I seriously doubt it is hurting her." I want to slap that man so bad. He does the second stitch and she nearly jumps off the table again. Then he walks out. No good-bye. No hope you feel better. No drop dead. Nothing.

Thankfully nice nurse Len comes in and wipes off her face and puts a band-aid on and makes her feel so much better. He tells her to be careful and to have a good rest of the Sunday. I like Len. He knows kids...much better than stupid Dr. Ghandy.

We go to Target to get a toy for being so good (it's become our ritual with all the stitches Marshall has gotten). I take her back to Grandma and Grandpa's for her to spend the rest of the day because that's what she wants to do. The rest of us come home and just veg all day. The house is a mess. Well, the dishes are done...big whoop. But I don't care about the mess. I've spent the day playing with my kids and having fun doing it. If anybody expects a house with 5 children all ages 6 and under to be clean, you are seriously delusional!

Madison should be home soon and I can't wait to tuck her into my bed again tonight! I love that strong-willed, firey, gentle, shy, loving little girl. With all my heart!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Great day!

Praise the Lord I slept last night!!!!! I went to bed at 10 and woke up at 7:30!! Emma woke up to go potty at 2:30 but went straight to bed right after. I had a heart to heart with the girls before bed last night. I told them they could come in and snuggle me but they had to wait until the sun was in their window...and they did!!! I have realized that I really require 9 hours of sleep a night to feel fully awake and energized all day...I know that sounds lame, but it's true.
I actually showered uninterrupted and got make-up on to boot. Whoo-hoo it was a great morning! Madison helped me make blueberry muffins which the kids devoured like they hadn't eaten in days...I think I fed them last night, maybe not though. Madison and Marshall went to "story time" at our church (it's a new thing and they loved it!) while the rest of us went to Wal-Mart to get the supplies for the Abraham Lincoln log cabin.
We came home for nap and quiet time while Maddie and I started on her took 4 hours and we're not done yet!!! (The thing is HUGE...we used 5 bags of pretzel logs!!!) We had sooo much fun just bonding pretzels and bonding with each other! (I don't know how to post my own pictures from my own camera because I'm a lame-o on the computer, but I'll have my love do it when he gets home on Tuesday. Can't wait.)
My Mom and Dad came over with some pizza for dinner and took Maddie and Marshall to spend the night and then the day with them tomorrow so I had some adult conversation and some relief when it came time for bed. The twins were exhaused and I didn't hear a peep out of them. Cooper is sick but he still plays like a maniac. I just put him down, no peeps from him either.
So I'm going to go and grab a whole bunch of Valentine candy, a sappy chick flick and crawl into my lonely bed.
It was a good day and I feel blessed and content!! (But I do miss my hubby!!)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Night Two

I'm hoping I get more sleep tonight than I did last night. My sweet Emma decided that last night she didn't want to sleep between the hours of 2:30 am and 4:30 am.
She first woke up at 1:30 and I bribed her with a Whopper to get back in her own bed (I know, I know, bad mommy). It worked for an hour.
She then was up every 5 to 10 minutes for who knows what...just walking into my room. I know it would have been easier to give in and let her crawl into bed with me, but I already had one squiggly child with me, Madison. (I had promised her she could sleep in the "big bed" when Daddy went on his time more thought goes into that promise!!) Anyway, it was the principle of the thing. I had told her no and I was sticking to my exhaused guns.
At about 3:30 (and this is a.m. people) I decide, maybe she'd stay in bed with her twin. Well yeah she did. Except she woke Halle up and they were playing Barbies and Dora.........ahhhhh! Got her back in her own bed again and Halle fell asleep right away. Not Emma. That girl has the will of iron she does.
So as I'm stuffing cotton in my ears and pulling the covers over my head at 4:30 I decide I am NOT going to preschool in the morning...oh yeah, didn't you know I teach 2 year olds on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-1:30...cause I'm just not crazy enough yet! I'm thinking I'll call the director in the morning and make up some excuse like Cooper is sick or something. I turn off the alarm and rest easy with my decision.
Marshall wakes me up at 6:30 and I start getting ready for preschool cause I just don't have the heart to call on such short notice...dang work ethic. Normally we have 10 children in our class, only 4 kids show up...and 2 of those are mine. Miss Donna (my helper) and I just let the kids play all day and we decided that it's the kids that were sick that are the messy, loud ones cause we had a great, quiet, non-messy day today.
Tried to get a nap after school but Cooper had other plans. I think he's getting sick. No. I know he's getting sick. I wiped his green snot all afternoon and he's woken up about 5 times since he's been in bed.
Please God, just let me have a good night of sleep. I don't know if I can make it through the day tomorrow if I'm deprived of more sleep. I might "accidently lose" one or more of my children...that would be bad, very, very bad!
Okay, I'm going to bed now. The kitchen is clean. The clothes are folded (and put away honey!!). The children are in bed (for now). The cat is fed and happy. The dog is in her crate whining to go I better take her out or she'll bark until I do.
Oh yeah, and I have to help Madison build a replica of Abraham Lincoln's log cabin home this weekend. It's due Tuesday. This was John's job. He doesn't get home 'til Tuesday...did I mention he procrastinates?!
Not her actual cabin, but it gives me ideas!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sad and lonely

John left today for 6 days at NRB. I'm sad and already missing my hubby. He's awesome...I don't tell him that enough.

Monday, February 13, 2006


It's been a good day, but it's been a hectic day in and out of the car. Madison's school, Marshall's preschool, MOPS, ballet for Madison and home again with three trips up the stairs carrying sleeping children and another for all the other junk that goes along with five children. Tonight Madison has basketball practice and my sweet husband has a Sunday School curriculum meeting and won't be there. Thank the good Lord above that my parents live close by and my saint of a mother is watching the twins for me while the rest of us go to the practice.
I remember that tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Okay, the kids and I just did their respective Valentine cards and inserted the pencils that go with them (that took longer than writing all the names on them). I'll have to make the chocolate chip cookies for the teachers tonight after basketball. Do I have anything for my sweet husband...uh that would be no. Will he get anything from me? Not anything that can be mentioned on this blog.
Now on to thinking of dinner, PB&J again (can you die from too much PB&J?) I guess I should start getting that together because I only have about 45 minutes before we need to get in the car for takes longer than you think to make PB&J for 5 kids!
Oh, and as I was coming downstairs for a little "me" time (with Cooper in tow) I see that someone(s) who shall remain nameless (but their names ryhme with Calle and Jemma) have thrown a whole bowlful of leftover breakfast Coco Puffs down the stairs...minus the milk, they eat them dry...while I was helping Madison and Marshall with the Valentine cards. In addition to that they managed to put all their toys (Polly Pocket shoes included) in the middle of their room. It's actually quite a neat little pile.
Oh yeah, and John's leaving town for 6 days on Thursday. Yippee!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sweet Kisses to Puppy Kisses...NOT the same!

Now I know what Lucy from "Peanuts" was talking about when she would declare, "AAAHHH!! Dog germs! I've been kissed by a dog and have dog germs!" For I too now have dog germs. And I did indeed screech, "AAAHHH!!"
I was scolding the dog for once again jumping over the gate that seperates the kitchen from the living room. I was holding her face to face so she could see just how upset I really was about her infraction of "the puppy rules". I was looking at her and she was looking at me with this pathetically sad puppy face and proceeds to reach forward and lick me when my mouth is wide open. Frenched by a dog. How disgusting...I have brushed my teeth several times just in case you were wondering.
(The picture is not our actual dog...but you get the idea!)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Favorite Time of the Day

My favorite time of the day is when my husband comes home. He's so incredibly handsome I can't stand it! I love the way his hair is turning gray and makes him look all the more delicious. I love the way he undoes his tie as he's walking up the stairs with a big grin on his face. I love the way the kids run to him screaming "Daddy's home!!", as if he's been gone for a year rather than a day. I love the to hear the laughter of him and the children upstairs all wrestling on the floor. I love the way he twirls them around. I love the way he can't remember the words to songs, but makes them up as he goes along and sings to the kids anyway. I love the way he has a one-sided dialogue with Cooper and makes up Cooper's answers for him! I love him. I love him. I love him...and he loves me!
(I just need to add a small PS here. As I'm writing this "love letter" about my husband, two things have happened. 1- Cooper fell down the stairs because someone, who shall remain nameless but his name rhymes with "Ron", left the gate open. 2-The dog chewed off one of beloved Hilton's ears. (Hilton is Cooper's monkey.) But I love that man, I do. I really, really do!)


I am so lazy. While my little ones are napping and the older two are playing a video game downstairs, what do I do? Do I fold the 5 loads of laundry waiting in the baskets? Do I scrub my disgustingly dirty bathroom? Do I vacuum the carpet or mop the kitchen floor? Do I do any of the mundane things that REALLY need to be done? Absolutely not.

I instead grab a snack (only had half a bagel for lunch and I'm starving!!) and I head to the warm comfort of my own bed and turn on TLC...I'm addicted to "A Baby Story".

So now it's almost 4:30 and I have no plans for dinner, a babysitter coming at 6:30 so my hubby and I can go to our Bible study tonight, and my house is a mess. When am I going to learn to take the precious time I have to myself (which is not that much or that often) and make good use of it? Stupid comfortable bed. If only it didn't call to me so!