Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sweet Kisses to Puppy Kisses...NOT the same!

Now I know what Lucy from "Peanuts" was talking about when she would declare, "AAAHHH!! Dog germs! I've been kissed by a dog and have dog germs!" For I too now have dog germs. And I did indeed screech, "AAAHHH!!"
I was scolding the dog for once again jumping over the gate that seperates the kitchen from the living room. I was holding her face to face so she could see just how upset I really was about her infraction of "the puppy rules". I was looking at her and she was looking at me with this pathetically sad puppy face and proceeds to reach forward and lick me when my mouth is wide open. Frenched by a dog. How disgusting...I have brushed my teeth several times just in case you were wondering.
(The picture is not our actual dog...but you get the idea!)


Kate said...

ahhhhh that is so sweet! (now i really really really want a dog! well not to be frenched! but you know, the lovable parts of having a dog!)

Perri said...

Kate does NOT want a dog - I directed her to this post to try and turn her away from this thinking.

It will make you thank God the day you just got a kiss!