Tuesday, August 28, 2007

All is quiet

That's right. It is quiet around here. Well, there is still the yelling, running, laughing, fighting, whining, loud talking, wrestling, and what-not-nonsense that has always been around. But the crinkle is gone.
Almost as quickly as Marshall...see previous post...Cooper has conquered the toilet. No more diapers except at night. He refuses to wear one anymore. Not even in the car when I'm sure he's going to let it flow, let it flow, let it flow. But he doesn't. He just lets us know when he has to go, and does. Sometimes he just brings us his underwear and lets us know he's just gone...see previous post.
Just wanted to let the world know that after 8 1/2 continuous years of changing wet, stinky, sometimes downright nasty pants (and sometimes other body parts as well, depending on how nasty the pants were), it's over. Sad. Happy. I don't know which one to choose.


Londa said...

WOW, I'm so impressed (and still jealous... although I haven't been doing this for 8 1/2 years like you have)!
So, now what are you going to do with all the extra cash you have now since you don't have to buy diapers anymore? :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are blogging again!