Monday, May 22, 2006

Sick Days

I've been sick for almost a week. Well, I'm not really sick anymore, just still very tired. Not the tired that I need to sleep, but the tired that I need to rest after just a little bit of doing anything. I started out with a little tickle in my throat on Tuesday and by Thursday had horrible sinus pressure, headache, body aches, and a fever of 102.5.
It had been a busy week. The last day of preschool for the kids, Marshall's graduation from preschool, auction meetings for me (somehow I am helping acquisitions for the auction my daughter's school is having next year even though we are homeschooling next year...I am such a yes-person), cleaning up my classroom, T-ball game, the list goes on and on. Needless to say, it's hard for any mom to get sick, let alone a stay-at-home mom with 5 very dependent children. "SUPER DAD" TO THE RESUCE!!
My husband is simply the best. I asked him to come home from work early on Thursday because I was wiped out (note the 102.5 temp!!) He did with nary a word about how much work was piling up on his desk or how he had only been at his desk for about 45 minutes that whole week thus far because of all he has to do with others at his office. He swept in and took over childcare, child feeding, petcare, and pet feeding. He made me dinner. He kept the kids quiet so I could sleep. And when I begged him to stay home on Friday, he did!!! (And in all honesty, he did work from home due to a "wonderful" invention known as the Blackberry.)
I was diagnosed with a sinus infection on Friday afternoon by a doctor I don't really like and was sent home with the appropriate antibotics to cure such a hanis illness. (I have to confess that part of me was hoping the doctor would say I was in need of hospitilization due to dehydration and extreme such luck!)
As of today, my husband is back at work...he's very glad of it too! He repeatedly said over and over how he was going crazy. I think he gained a new admiration for me and my schedule. He didn't understand it he does! I love him for taking care of me and the kids.


terrible speller said...

sorry to read that you a have been sick. I hope you'll be at 100% soon. John was sweet to help out.

I have this saying ... mommy's never get to be sick. It's so hard on the fam when you got a mom down.

Anonymous said...

John is sweet.