Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mommy Guilt

Is it possible to be a mom and not have guilt? I hope so, and I hope I can one day get to that place, but I don't think it's ever going to happen.
I feel guilty because I know I'm supposed to play with my kids, read to them, listen to them, create with them, and just be with them. I love to do that. And I do do that. But when I do, it's exhausting and I have no time or energy for the day to day life "stuff" of cleaning, cooking, dusting, laundry, folding, picking up, putting away, etc.
I feel guilty because I know I'm supposed to clean, cook, dust, do laundry, fold, pick up, put away, etc. I don't love to do that. But I do that. But when I do, it's exhausting and I have no time or energy for the fun stuff of playing, reading, listening, creating, and being with my kids.
This may be really dumb, but I just cannot find the balance. I go from a high of having spent incredible time with my children to looking around my pathetically dirty house and moaning and groaning about having to clean at the end of a long day. Or I go from a high of having a sparkling clean house to looking at my peacefully sleeping children and moaning and groaning and crying that I haven't made the most of the day with them that I should have.
Am I the only one out there going through this? Where is the balance? How can I manage 5 children and a clean house? Is it even possible? Maybe it's the rain today, but I am really feeling like the worst mommy, wife, and house cleaner in the world right now. I'm exhausted and it's not even 6 yet.


Anonymous said...

at least when we're 67, we won't be dreaming back to those days when the house was a showpiece! we'll be wishing it was loud and crazy with Madison running down the hall screaming, waking up Cooper, making the twins cry, and hurting Marshall. We'll sniff, "those were the days."

At the end of the day, choose: Playing with the Kids.

And kick me in the shins when I complain about the house...

five in six said...

Thank you honey...I love you soooo much!!

terrible speller said...

Hang in there. It is hard balancing it all. Honestly the helped me a whole whole bunch. Also trying to make the kids more responsible for their messes. This is harder for the younger one of course.

you are a great mom. Hope you a better day.

Devra said...

Sorry to have arrived late. I am here to absolve you of your Mommy Guilt! As long your house isn't full of visiting fire marshals and you don't have a hazmat team testing your carpet and/or fridge, ease up on yourself! You need not balance it all. Just deal with it by prioritizing as you go thru your day, week, month, or even minute to minute. You can also come visit us over at our blog if you need more support. : )