Thursday, June 08, 2006


A dear, sweet friend of mine from college, Londa, whom I haven't seen in about 10 years (LOVE AND MISS YOU GIRL!!) told me about this website a few years ago. If you have never heard of it, go to it, it is awesome and soooo helpful.

Now, like I said, I've known about this for awhile and have visited in the past, but have never taken the advice and put it into practice. Well, I finally did a few days ago. The site basically helps you "declutter" your life and keep your house up and running without killing yourself. It's all about baby steps to getting your house into shape.

My kitchen has NEVER been cleaner. I'm not kidding. Not the day we moved in, not when my in-laws are coming, not when a babysitter is coming over, not when we're having Bible study...NEVER. I rearranged some drawers so that even our huge container of pens, pencils, sharpies, scissors, etc are in one drawer with paper, tape, paperclips, etc. The only things out on my counters are things I use everyday: coffee pot, toaster, can opener, and cutting board. That's it. Oh, and there is hand soap by the sink. Nothing else.

I even cleared all the kids drawings and pictures off the fridge. I did leave 1 picture of each child on the side, but that's it. Magnets, gone. Doodles, gone. Coupons from pizza places, gone. Cute stories cut out of newspapers, gone. (And I did save the kids drawings, just not on the fridge anymore!)

My husband came home and declared that the kitchen was AWESOME. He had never seen it look better. So now I'm on to our bedroom today. Why is it that the one place that's supposed to be a retreat always looks like a dumping ground? Not anymore.


Anonymous said...

FlyLady's great! Have fun with your hot spots! :o) ... Karen

Anonymous said...

Love, Londa

Unknown said...

FlyLady is cool. I am on Day 14 and excect for the evening routine am done for the day:) How is ti gonig for you?